Menopause treatment messa, AZ - Renewed Balance Clinic

Introduction to Menopause and Available Treatments

Menopause marks the end of a woman's menstrual cycles and fertility. As estrogen levels decline during perimenopause and menopause, many women experience symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, trouble sleeping, and more. Hormone therapy can provide relief by replacing hormones that decline during menopause.

At Renewed Balance Clinic, our certified menopause practitioners offer customized menopause treatment plans to help women alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life during this transition. With comprehensive lab testing, we identify hormone imbalances and create bioidentical hormone therapy protocols tailored to each woman's needs.

We also provide lifestyle recommendations to support natural hormone balance through nutrition, exercise, stress management, and sleep hygiene. Our goal is to empower women to thrive during menopause and beyond.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances With Lab Testing

The first step in developing an effective menopause treatment plan is diagnosing any hormone deficiencies through lab testing. We test key hormones like:

Understanding a woman's individual hormone profile allows our menopause specialists to create fully customized treatment plans to return hormones to optimal levels, reduce deficiency symptoms, and improve overall wellbeing.

We also test key markers like FSH, cholesterol panels, Vitamin D, and inflammatory markers to further assess health status. Tracking these over time allows optimizing treatment plans for the best possible results.

Our services

Take control of your menopause symptoms today!

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy for Menopause

The foundation of most menopause treatment plans is bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). Bioidentical means the hormones have the exact same molecular structure as those naturally produced in the woman's body. This allows them to bind properly to hormone receptors and mimic the function of her natural hormones.

At Renewed Balance Clinic, we provide bioidentical estrogens, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid hormones in creams, tablets, capsules, sublingual drops, pellets, and injections. This allows creating fully customized combinations, doses, and delivery methods tailored to each woman's needs and preferences for optimal comfort and results.

Below we summarize key hormones we commonly prescribe to treat common menopausal symptoms:


Declining estrogen is the main driver of disruptive menopausal symptoms like:

Estrogen therapy can provide immense relief by returning estrogen levels to optimal ranges. We prescribe bioidentical estradiol and/or estriol creams to absorb through the skin, with dosing adjusted based on lab testing and symptom response.

Estrogen alone can increase uterine cancer risk, so we prescribe progesterone along with estrogen for any woman with a uterus to offset this risk. Those without uteruses can take estrogen alone safely.


Progesterone naturally declines along with estrogen during perimenopause. Restoring optimal levels with bioidentical progesterone provides key benefits:

We provide progesterone in capsules, sublingual drops, or topical creams based on patient needs and preferences.


Many women are unaware testosterone plays an important role in female health. Declining levels during menopause contribute to:

Testosterone therapy can provide immense benefits by restoring levels to optimal ranges. We prescribe customized doses of bioidentical testosterone creams. Dosage is titrated carefully based on lab testing and patient feedback to avoid unwanted side effects.

Lifestyle Recommendations for Supporting Hormone Balance

While bioidentical hormone replacement provides immense relief for disruptive menopausal symptoms, we also provide lifestyle recommendations to help support natural hormone balance during this transition:


Exercise & Body Composition:

Sleep Hygiene & Stress Reduction:

While BHRT provides significant relief for disruptive menopausal symptoms, supporting lifestyle factors can help take results to the next level. Our certified menopause practitioners provide personalized guidance to help women implement sustainable lifestyle changes during this transition and beyond.

Interesting fact

Many women going through menopause find relief from symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings through cognitive behavioral therapy techniques like paced breathing and visualization exercises. These non-medical approaches can be as effective as hormone therapy for some women, without the risks.

The Benefits of Seeking Timely Menopause Treatment

With growing public awareness and declining stigma, more women are seeking medical support for managing troublesome menopausal symptoms, rather than needlessly “toughing it out”. At Renewed Balance Clinic, we wholeheartedly encourage women to prioritize self-care and wellbeing during this challenging life transition by promptly seeking professional support.

The benefits of timely evaluation and treatment through menopause specialists are profound, including:

In essence, seeking timely evaluation and treatment from qualified menopause doctors at the first signs of perimenopausal changes provides immense benefits in terms of symptom relief, supporting mental and sexual health, preventing chronic disease, and maintaining an optimal quality of life during the menopausal transition and beyond. We encourage women not to delay.

Experience relief from menopause symptoms, visit Renewed Balance Clinic today!

Why Choose Renewed Balance Clinic for Your Menopause Treatment?

At Renewed Balance Clinic, our specialized team of certified menopause practitioners offers personalized care to meet the unique needs of women during perimenopause, menopause, and beyond. What sets us apart:

In essence, our goal is collaborating with women to provide seamless guidance and support - both clinical and emotional - to transition through menopause gracefully while maintaining optimal wellbeing and quality of life.

Helpful Local Wellness Resources During Your Treatment

Messa offers wonderful local wellness amenities to help support your overall health and wellbeing during your menopausal transition and hormone therapy with Renewed Balance Clinic:



Self Care & Recreation:

We encourage taking full advantage of these wonderful wellness resources during your treatment journey to further support the best possible hormone health and quality of life.

Please don’t hesitate to ask our knowledgeable medical team for further recommendations to great local establishments that can support your health goals during your menopausal transition and beyond!

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